Affshub – Affiliate Network| Sport |Movie | And More

1.This agreement is effective between affshub, and the web site owner WEBMASTER applying for affiliation ( webmaster, you, your, affiliate, publisher ), from the date your affiliate publishing signup as a affiliate of affshub

2.By submitting an application for affiliation with the affshub, you are bound to the terms and conditions of this agreement. failure to comply with the terms set fourth will result in cancellation of your affiliation with the program and forfeiture of any and all accumulated and future payments.

3.Affiliates must be at least 18 years of age.

4.affshub reserves the right to refuse and or cancel ANY webmaster from the program for any reason whatsoever at the sole discretion of affshub. All webmaster applications are pre-approved and ready for your use immediately upon logging in. We reserve the right to revoke acceptance if you re found not in compliance with or violate this TOS in another fashion, at any time. If canceled from the affshub program, bonus incentives are void and canceled as well. If cancellation of an affiliate is due to TOS violation, accrued payment may be forfeited as well.

5.Limit one account per payable entity of any kind, personal or business unless authorized in writing by affshub. You may not refer yourself to the program to gain referral. You may however from that single account place proper links to as many sites or domains that you wish, as long as they comply with the terms of service and proper linking rules of Cpavst.

6.You are NOT to include our links in ANY mailers without written consent from affshub.You shall not place our ad code in message boards related or unrelated, chat rooms, IRC, etc. Placement of the ad code MUST be on website(s), page(s) you own and control ONLY.

7.It is the webmaster s sole responsibility to receive emails sent by Policy changes are effective 24hrs from initial email notification unless stated otherwise. When will I get paid Payments will be made on the 16th of each month (assuming it is not a bank holiday or a weekend), based on Net 15 payment terms. For example, revenue earned in January 2022 would be sent on February 16 2022. Each payment schedule has a minimum payment threshold of 100. For example, if only 50 or 90 is generated in June 2022, no payment will be sent on July 16th. Instead, the June revenue will be rolled over and combined with July revenue which would then be paid out on Aug 16th provided once again that the minimum payment threshold was met. For few affiliate that send questionable traffic, we will send payment if we received such funds from the advertiser, that means Monthly NET30 or longer.